Building Hope Project is a Christ-based student sponsorship/ ministry aided to serve the children of Uganda. Its purpose is to enrich and enhance the quality of life through education and holistic ministry. We provide daily meals, tuition, scholastic needs, and spiritual counsel to children and their families. Our overall goal is to ignite personal and community development across the world. We want to bring people to the realization that they themselves can make a difference; all they need is the opportunity to do so.
We envision Building Hope Project as an international network that creates and sparks community achievement. We desire to equip children and ultimately their environments physically, mentally, spiritually, and in the workforce. Our goal is to serve as an access point to catapult generations into their purpose all while inspiring and equipping people to be disciples for Christ and carrying out a mandate for love and global development.
All around the world, especially in developing nations, you can see the apparent link between education and prosperity, as well as ignorance and poverty. Although majority of children in Uganda initially enroll for primary school, almost half must drop out before their culmination into secondary school due to lack of funds. Children in Uganda who do not receive an education are much more likely to live in poverty for the rest of their lives and their life expectancy is drastically stunted. This is the reality- where there’s no education, there’s very little chance of hope.
We believe that only through Christ, all things are possible- such as the overturning of global poverty.
We believe in the power of the family unit and its undeniable purpose in creating a stronger community, society, and world.
We believe that education is a gift that ALL people, regardless of ethnic background, religion, class, or race, deserve.
We believe that education is one of the only effective catalysts to creating sustainable societies.
We believe that change is a process and that effective change only comes through personal development.
We believe that local change opens the pathway to global change.
United Gospel Outreach is a faith-based, non-profit organization whose project and message is geared to building hope and changing lives. We are based in Los Angeles, CA and our goal is to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) by accessing and combining resources and needs. UGO provides leadership training, job referrals, educational and community awareness projects, demographics and missions. The vision of UGO in expanding the faith based ministry in the changing community include programs such as Children Education Workshops, Nutrition and Health Education seminars, Family and Parenting Living skills workshops, Computer Literacy Classes, ESL Classes, and many more programs. The UGO Center is a catalyst for economic development, providing information for employment and financial support for the community at large. These services are designed to assist, stabilize, and encourage children, youth, adults, and families in the community that create an environment conducive to economical and spiritual growth.
United Gospel Outreach Website
Agape Global Missions, Inc is a 501(c) (3) federal tax exempt mission organization based in Inglewood, California, USA and is also registered in Uganda, East Africa as a Non Governmental Organization. The organization was founded in May, 2002 by Dr. Linda F. Marcell and is governed by a board of directors both in USA and in Uganda. Our mission is to obey and fulfill the Great Commission: “Go into all the world and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20). Agape Global Missions was established with a vision to enhance the understanding of the Great Commission through mission education, consultations and vision trips. They seek to encourage and empower believers as global Christians using their gifts, talents and resources to further the gospel of Jesus Christ. Agape Global Missions has a current mission focus in East Africa, and has established an East African office in Kampala, Uganda. The heart of their global outreach is to spread the love of God by word and deed into the uttermost parts of the world. Its purpose is to empower and strengthen the Church, disciple new believers, evangelize the lost, and take hope, healing and restoration, to the poor, deprived and persecuted people in various nations throughout the world.
Agape Global Missions Website
In the summer of 2012, 16 year old David Curtiss travelled to Uganda, Africa on a missions trip. Since this was his first trip of service out of the country, he had no idea what to expect. But in his time there and ever since, he has carried a burden for the victims of global poverty.
Unwilling to wait or stand by any longer, David Curtiss has pushed himself aside and has taken on this call that he knows was given to him by God. Regardless of age and circumstance, David understands that there's always something you can do to help someone else- whether big or small. Through the support of family, friends, and partnering organizations who understand the plight of global poverty, David has been able to voice his wanting for change in a way that's not just verbal, but tangible.
And this is his method of retaliation.
Building Hope Project is currently working in Jinja, Uganda at Kirra Primary School. Thorough assessments and evaluations have been done at the site to guarantee that we are launching this project in a safe and healthy environment conducive to an enriching learning experience.
Uganda, being the nation with the largest population of youth in the world, needs a thriving education system to ensure a prosperous, upcoming generation that will sculpt the leaders of their tomorrow.
